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What is the difference between these tow informations : Total spot of 380 data and Single spot of 380 data ?

Guest Camille

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Guest Camille


I made a Fluorospot with 4 colors, I extracted the excel information from the plate and I would like to know the difference between the datas of the table 380 TOTAL and datas of the table 380 single ? which of these datas I have to choose if I want to look only the number of spot detected on the LED 380 ?


Thank you :)

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Hi Camille!

The 380 TOTAL shows you spots from ALL cells that have secreted the analyte you have in 380, including cells that have secreted two, three or four analytes simultaneously.

The 380 single shows you spots from cell that ONLY secrete the analyte you have in 380, excluding the 380-spots from dual-, triple-, and quadruple secretors.

In other words, 380 TOTAL shows you 380-spots from any cell that have secreted the 380-analyte, whereas 380 single shows you the particular subset of cells that secrete the 380-analyte and no other analyte. 

It sounds on your question that you would be interested in looking at the 380 TOTAL.

I hope this helps. Let me know if I was unclear, or if you have other questions.

Kind regards,



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