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Treatment and long-term preservation of PVDF plates

Guest manny

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Guest manny

Hello! Recently, we used the antibodies purchased from mabtech to do experiments on our PVDF coated plates, and immediately using the coated plates works well, But we want to make more at one time, may I ask how to deal with the PVDF plates after blocking so that they can be preserved for a longer time? In addition, how to determine the validity period of mabtech pre-coated PVDF plates ? Finally, Another problem is that the PVDF membrane prepared by us will become wet and dark when we add reagents, but we found that the membrane of your pre-coated plate will not become wet and dark, What is the reason for this?

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After etoh activation and incubation of caputre antibody, it is possible to wrap the plate in parafilm and save it in the refrigerator (+8C). If the liquid in the well evaporates then it is game over, so the parafilm is important if your gonna do longer than 2 days. 

Another factor to consider is the source of the Millipore plates. At Mabtech we sell plates that come with a special underdrain that makes them very resilient against leakage. I have had plates in fridge for 1 week and it has worked. By contrast, If you purchase directly from Millipore you might end up with another underdrain design which is more prone to leakage. This is a speculation on my part, but I know it can impact longer incubation times. In addition, inappropriate etoh pre-activation can make the leakage worse. 

Our precoated plates have been pre-activated by etoh and coated with capture mab and then dried. The membrane then resorts to being hydrophobic. However, since the capture mab was added when the membrane had been activated, performance is still supreme. We gurantee precoated plates to have a shelf life of atleast 18 months when held in room temp. We check consistency of precoated plates by comparing performance to newly made ones. 



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Guest manny

Thank you very much for your guidance, You mentioned "At Mabtech we sell plates that come with a special underdrain that makes them very resilient against leakage.", Is this plate which is not coated any protein mabtech available for sale? Can you provide the item number

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Guest manny

I have another question: Did mabtech sell plates that come with a special underdrain by itself after purchasing it from millipore ?

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Guest manny
On 7/24/2024 at 6:01 AM, admin said:

After etoh activation and incubation of caputre antibody, it is possible to wrap the plate in parafilm and save it in the refrigerator (+8C). If the liquid in the well evaporates then it is game over, so the parafilm is important if your gonna do longer than 2 days. 

Another factor to consider is the source of the Millipore plates. At Mabtech we sell plates that come with a special underdrain that makes them very resilient against leakage. I have had plates in fridge for 1 week and it has worked. By contrast, If you purchase directly from Millipore you might end up with another underdrain design which is more prone to leakage. This is a speculation on my part, but I know it can impact longer incubation times. In addition, inappropriate etoh pre-activation can make the leakage worse. 

Our precoated plates have been pre-activated by etoh and coated with capture mab and then dried. The membrane then resorts to being hydrophobic. However, since the capture mab was added when the membrane had been activated, performance is still supreme. We gurantee precoated plates to have a shelf life of atleast 18 months when held in room temp. We check consistency of precoated plates by comparing performance to newly made ones. 



Thank you very much for your guidance, You mentioned "At Mabtech we sell plates that come with a special underdrain that makes them very resilient against leakage.", Is this plate which is not coated any protein mabtech available for sale? Can you provide the item number?I have another question: Did mabtech sell plates that come with a special underdrain by itself after purchasing it from millipore ?

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Hi Manny,
Thanks for reaching out in the forum! 

The specialized ELISpot plates Christian mentioned can be found in both white and clear formats in our webshop. Good luck with your ELISpots and feel free to write again here in the forum if you have any other questions!


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